How You Can Find A Job Through Social Media


Finding a job, in this day and age, is easier than ever.  All it takes is a strategic scroll through your favourite social media platform – and wha-la! Well, it takes more effort than that to actually land a job, but finding the right jobs to apply for is easy-peasy!

Your Facebook and Twitter might be full of memes and cat videos, but these platforms are actually great tools for business… and recruitment!


With Twitter it can take less than 140 Characters to find your perfect job! It is teeming with job applications and professional networking pages, if you know where to find them.

Use the search bar to look for keywords that apply to the job you want. For best results, type in words like “jobs,” “hiring” and other specifics that apply to your desired field and location; for example, “Recruitment” and “Manchester.”

Use Hashtags! Typing terms like #jobs, #hiring and #recruiting will result in a plethora of tweets from those seeking employees. Employers who want to cast a wide net will often tweet out job applications, with the accompanying hashtags.

You should also write tweets using these hashtags. For example, “Looking for a #job in the #London area…” as companies will often search for potential employees using twitter. There are also a plethora of accounts to follow that’s sole dedication is to find people jobs. Doing a quick search of your area and followed “jobs” should bring up the correct accounts to follow.


Being one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, Facebook is a great place to connect with people… and potentially find a new job.

“Like” lots of company pages. Most companies strive for a dynamic presence on social media, and Facebook Pages are an engagement haven. By “Liking” them, you can get daily updates about their activity. Plus, its highly likely they will post job opportunities and applications.

It also helps to have your privacy settings not set too strict. You should consider setting your work and education info public, enabling others to see your professional history. On that note, make sure all your work and education info is up to date and reflects your current situation.


This is the most obvious one! As we all know, LinkedIn is akin to the business version of Facebook. Maybe less memes and cat videos… but more job opportunities.

Connect with lots of people. Unlike Facebook, it is not creepy to connect with strangers, although you do need a good reason to connect! Make sure to send a personal message with your connection request so the person knows why you want to link with them, as the LinkedIn police don’t like it if you seem too add too many people without good reason. The more people you connect with, the more opportunities will arise!

There’s a portion of your personal profile dedicated to recommendations and endorsements from your peers. Try to get as many as you can, and your credibility will rise!

Share as much as you can. LinkedIn’s Career Expert, Nicole Williams, said that sharing articles and content will increase your chances of getting noticed by recruiters by ten-fold!

And the most obvious one: Job Boards! LinkedIn has its own Job Board platform, so be sure to check that out.


Have you had any luck searching for jobs on Social Media? Let us know @StrategySMedia


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