Developing Your Social Media Goals

Last week we looked at your Social Media Strategy (and if you missed it here is the link again), and I said that this week we would take a look at your Social Media Goals.  Well here’s the thing with goals.  They have to be in line with your strategy.

Align Your Goals with Your Strategy

Let’s take being known for great customer service as your strategy.  And let me tell you – whenever I ask a business owner what is different about their business and why someone should buy from them, the answer is pretty much always – ‘we have great customer service’.  So – let’s assume that is the strategy.  Your goal should not be ‘gain 100 new followers this month on Twitter’ or ‘grow my LinkedIn or FB group by 50’ – the strategy should be – to monitor and respond to every tweet, FB post and LI message within 15 minutes.

Yes – that’s what I said.   Within 15 minutes.  Because – that is what GREAT customer service is.  When your customer has a query or a complaint, or just wants to tell you how great YOU are – if you don’t respond within 5 minutes then you cannot claim to have great customer service.  OK – if you are a small business your existing customers will let you off if its half an hour.  But your new or potential new customers won’t – especially if it is in business hours.

I’m sure that’s not what you want to hear because who has time to sit on social media all day?  Clearly no-one in their right mind.  However, it is a problem that you need to be aware of.  Even if you didn’t set up your social media channels originally as a customer service channel – it is imperative that you take this seriously.

Response Time Expectations on Social Media

A study by Lithium Technologies found that 53% of customer who ask a brand a question on Twitter expect a response within 1 hour regardless of when they tweeted – rising to 72% if it was a complaint. So if they expect a response within an hour – that’s what they are considering NORMAL customer service – because if they DON’T get a response within an hour 2 out of 5 people will have a lowered opinion of the brand.

Sadly – even most of the big brands aren’t achieving this – in fact only 11% are.  Which means almost none of the smaller companies are managing it.  Which means it is a massive opportunity for businesses that can get this right.

My point is – if ‘GREAT customer service’ is your strategy – your goal should be a 15 minute response (or less) to social media contact – at least within business hours and very clear business hours on your social media.  If your marketing messages are – customer service R us, and you are unresponsive on social media, you are not on brand, you will not be taken seriously and you have just lost a customer/potential customer.

Having a Good Social Media Presence is Essential in 2016

There are many different strategies and many different possible goals on social media.  It is important that they are aligned and equally important that they are realistic.  However you look at it, having a good social media presence nowadays is not a luxury it is an essential.  Whether YOU use it or not makes no odds.  If your customer are using social media (and they ARE) and expect to find you there, you need to be there.  And just as 15 years ago, any business without a website would not be taken seriously as a business, nowadays any business without a good social media presence will not be taken seriously.  And you really need to understand Social Media Etiquette – but that’s another story.

There are ways you can make this happen other than spending all day on social media – and if you’d like some help with that then email me on

I have 3 complimentary 30 minute strategy and goal setting sessions in September to give to the first 3 people to contact me.  So if you need help with your strategy and /or your goals for social media, get in touch today.

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